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I am not satisfied How to Overcome Writer's Block: If you've ever been afflicted with writer's block, you'll know it's no laughing matter — it can impede your writing for days, weeks, or even months. And while it's tempting to just ignore the problem and hope that it goes away, writer's block is one of those pests that requires active extermination. The key to dealing with writer's block is to recognize that it exists, and then find a way to dig yourself out of it. You might be surprised at how powerful an antidote for writer's block you can make … if you are willing to follow this step-by-step plan. Here are 10 steps I took to overcome my own chronic case of writer's block. I am not satisfied Are you too old for your age? Are you mature enough for your age? Will people think you're too old or too mature to be your age? If so, then the first thing you need to do is turn off all negativity until your behavior stops producing negative outcomes. Period. If this sounds like a contradiction, then you're right on track. Here's what it comes down to: You need to act your age, not your shoe size. I've known plenty of people who are older than me but act younger than me. Meanwhile, I know plenty of people who are younger than me but act older than me. Before you say your actions aren't the issue, think about it: Do you really want to continue behaving in ways that bring negative results into your life? Don't be ridiculous … of course not! As soon as you stop blaming circumstances or other people for negative outcomes or even just plain bad luck, you'll be on the right track. Here are some examples of how to stop blaming others for what goes on in your life. If you believe you are not getting the kind of pay or recognition you deserve, then make sure it's not coming back to haunt you in the forms of low self-esteem, cynicism, depression, procrastination, or burnout. These are all byproducts of feeling cheated out of something that is rightfully yours. If you decide that your job is too stressful or even just plain boring, then take a good look at how you're handling your current situation. You might find that your stress level is not only the result of running around like a chicken with its head cut off, but also the reason your stress level is so high. If other people are making you feel bad about yourself, then stop talking to them. If they are making other people feel bad about you, then don't talk about them. When you separate negative people from their negative words, then the negativity will die out on its own. If you don't like where you live or how others treat you there, then quit blaming others for what goes on in your life. cfa1e77820

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